Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A prayer for rain.
The Temecula Team Saturday realized the need for rain and many of the rice fields where browning. So Sunday as Luke shared at church he also prayed for more rain. It started Sunday after noon for 3 days non stop flooding all over the country. The guy under the roof on the right is waist deep. There is not supposed to be water here the closest water way is miles a way. Here from the road you normally see fields, but to day we came across boat rescues and roads washing out. I know it had a lot to do with the storm in China. I also know the Sunday people saw the prayer of a man for rain and then it rained.
What was so important about this was that this Sunday they put on a small concert and more people came they where sitting out side and many of the people where not Christians. So they saw the prayer that brought Rain. God knew it was coming and used Luke for that moment to show non believers that He is real.

I hope this encourages Luke who thought "are we doing enough"
Thank you Temecula for your work here with us it is wonderful to know some of you wish to return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kit,

I just found your wish list. And no I'm not sending you caffine candy!! Surely you can think of something more practical than that! I'm teasing. But hope you guys are doing very well.
Your sister,