Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So long awaited pictures

Early January our children received shoe boxes from Samaritan Purse Via Assembly of God in Takeo. My sister who was spending the week with us has a friend who works at the Las Vegas distribution center and wanted pictures of them getting boxes. So our children got the boxes about a month earlier than the other children at church.

It is a good contact for the future in getting any free left overs.
Anyway they had a blast getting fun little things. These boxes where from Australia.
Oh if I can say putting a picture in the box really makes a difference. The children so badly want to see the faces of people who help them out.
The one boy Darow got one photo and every one pasted it around and around and they teased him because of the little blond girl that was his age. It was much fun.

Melor and Chow brothers both had teeth pulled thank you Calvary Alpine. Chow also got some glasses.

Darow getting his teeth looked at.

The nail brush was though to be for cleaning teeth.

Chow Channee Tate
Sam and Darow feeding the Rabbits. One of Sam's favorite things to do.

Tea and Tee arrived yesterday and seem to be very good boys. So this brings us up to 9 boy from age 8 to 14.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kit and Ream,
Kim called and said check the blog there's new pics - how neat! ^_^
I love reading how your home there is shaping up and doing so well, praise God! ^_^
Ream, I didn't get to say good bye to you hon. I'm sorry I had a sick tummy and really didn't feel up to getting out Sonday before you left.
It was glorious to be able to hug you and hold Joseph, while I could though. Thank you for that. ^_^
Dave had more fun with baby Joseph than I did! ha
Sammy looks so precious, and I just adore your little boys you have - nine now - wow!!
Retirement plans are coming along -slowly- but they're progressing. We both read about your gardening successes and long for one of our own - and chickens, too! ^_^
When are you going to be getting little girls? Do any of your boys have sisters that you might be getting?
Hugs from Mom & Dave

A Greater Hope Orphanage said...

Hi Mom we have had some difficulties with email here. We changed to gmail now I think Ream sent it to you I will try and send later in case she did not. thank you for the up liftiing email.
We have only had trouble with one boy the rest have been very helpful.
We are having a hard time trying to get good help. So as soon as that problem is solved we will accept girls. We do have some waiting.
Thank you