Lim's Surgery went well. Handicap international had a surgeon from Switzerland that preformed the operation.
Lim had a club foot; kind of.
He fell as a child and it stunted the growth of the leg, then a cow stepped on that foot and broke it.
They being a really poor family just let the foot heal broken and created a lot of problems for him.
What was cool was we had a pair of crutches from when Ream had hurt her foot. We where going to give them to Lim to use but when we went to get them from Ream's mom they where broken. I think they used them for fire wood. So while I was picking Lim up we needed to get him another pair of crutches.
The Handicap place was close to the hospital so we stopped by.
They give out all the things a handicap person might need for free. Legs, arms, are all wheel chairs are all there to help the people.
I was blessed to see the workers so happily doing their jobs. They like what they do.
Anyway Lim's Dad was there getting his new leg. He had been in a moto accident awhile ago and did not fix it properly either. They could not fix his leg so they cut it off.
We had never met Lim's dad before, he is a small, happy man. He reminds me of a jockey. I think he might have barely made 4 feet tall.
I liked him as soon as I met him. I hope as our animal program grows to the point it needs and can support a full time worker that we might be able to hire him.
Lim's dad is on the left, white shirt. Lim is in the middle, black and red shirt. Lim's Dad has the right foot missing and Lim's left foot is the one hurt. If Lim's dad was bigger they could share a pair of shoes.
Lim's had his surgery and Lim on the right stayed at the hospital with him. Since they have the same name I teased them about making sure when it came time for the operation that they took the right Lim in to get fixed.
The doctors said they straightened the foot out about 90% and they wanted the last 10% to work it out by itself so it would end up in the right place.
The school has also been very helpful. Lim has important test coming up and they are making sure that even though he is missing school he does not miss the tests.
I am very happy with the way things went. When we received Lim at the orphanage I was happy that we where going to be able to help him and I am very happy that it was so easy to do.
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