Wednesday, December 23, 2009

End of the Year

I am sorry the last blog said I would write again soon and it turned out to be longer.
We just have an a lot of things going on right now.

We put some tanks near our pig pen to collect their waste. While I took a break from digging the holes I looked up and noticed this tree frog pinched between a split branch on the tree only a couple feet away..

Our Pastor blessed us again this year with a second trip. The children always request that he play some worship for them. They are really proud of their American Pastor.

We did celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we do not normally celebrate any holiday, but we certainly enjoyed it. You do not know you miss something until your reminded of how good it was.

One of our many projects happening last month was changing out our planter box. There were to many cobras hiding in the bushes before and the children had a bad habit of braking the branches off. It also really cleaned the yard up and the palms are able to withstand the constant straying of soccer balls.

Sour Sup I believe related to the Cherimoja fruit, Ream Planted this tree from a seed a couple years ago it is about 8 feet now and bearing it's first fruit this year.

It's hard to see them but Vuthy has about 5 long bean plants growing.

Wut's spinach is coming in nice.

Lim's cucumbers are doing well.

Our spinach, the geese killed our first batch so we had to start over with a net this time.

We have a verity of water plants growing this year,a real nice ecosystem finally. So much is living in there, much of it we did not stock.

Our lawn mowers at work. Ours put out gas as your uses gas. :)

Were growing some sugarcane this year, a little snack later for the kids. I never realized how long it takes to grow, it's taking for ever.

This is our worm farm we have been feeding the fowl, fish and pigs with the worms and using the soil for our gardening.

You'll never guess where we are at. Under ground in our new Bio digester or methane converter. It is the only and the last time we'll be able to do this. This system takes out pig waste and captures the gas for our use in the kitchen.
It is saving us 2 to 3 bottles of propane every month now

So we have about 6 cubic meters of space in a large underground dome. The waste is pushed in one side and the old stuff is pushed out the rear for use in the garden. Our 9 pigs produce enough waste to take care of most the cooking we do.

Sadly the best brick work I have ever seen in Cambodia is buried. It finishes up to look like an igloo here is the rear end of the tank.

To start off we needed a lot of waste a couple tons. Pastor was kind enough to lend a hand in the moving it to the tank during his "vacation". :) A bit of warning to other guest, there is always a Dirty Job here to do.

That is one big pile. As you can see Tong has had it up to here with this kind of labor.

It's about 6 feet deep here at the exit and maybe nine feet in the center.

We have been repairing the bathrooms as they were not sealed properly, we are lucky as there is not any water damage to the floor.
We will be painting the interior of the building.
We are adding tile to the walls in the children rooms.
We will be making more tables and beds.
We have started a house for our workers to stay on the property.
We are also making a compost pit and a micro cat fish farm.
Oh also we have to seal our gutters the leak into the house.

So we are off to a busy start, but I like projects so it is good for me, keeps me going.

We will be celebrating our Christmas on the 26th all the gifts are bought.
We plan on eating a goat for the holidays but we are having a hard time choosing which one. The biggest male is the one who needs to go because he is getting mean but he is also our biggest and best breeder. The other males are half his size.

We plan on learning how to grow two different types of mushrooms and we still have a chicken farm to visit, plus we found a lady raising crayfish. I have been wanting to do this for a while as shrimp sells for $5 a pound here but no one raises crawdads which are easier and can live with out water.

We have a visitor coming for 3 months January 27 please keep her trip in prayer that it will go smoothly and comfortable, as she is a young lady traveling by herself for the first time to a foreign country.

I will really try and not let the month go by before we post again.


P.S. I will have some very nice photos of the children soon. We have a professional photographer Erica Simon from New York going to drop by. This should be a treat for the children and their sponsors early February .

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